Parent and Staff Handbook
Wing Luke Elementary
Home of the Powerful Dragons!
“Every Student Challenged, Known, Cared For”
Wing Luke Elementary
About Wing Luke
School Pledge
I will act in such a way
That I will be proud of myself
And others will be proud of me too.
I came to school to learn, and I will learn.
I will have a great day!
Classroom Pledge
Today I will:
Show Respect
Make Good Decisions
Solve Problems
- To create an environment where all students feel safe and valued
- To set high expectations using rigorous curriculum
- To model and teach social skills, collaboration, and leadership
- To cultivate healthy and engaged participation
- To empower students to set goals and problem solve independently
- To create opportunities for students to express their potential through the arts, technology, and service
- To foster culturally competent global citizens starting within our own community
Wing Luke graduates will strive for academic excellence and social responsibility in a lifelong pursuit of education. They will become innovative problem solvers who can lead and serve in diverse communities.
The Wing Luke School community has a vision of excellence for all students and involves helping students develop appropriate self-directed behavior. It is the responsibility of the adults to teach skills and strategies, model appropriate behavior, provide opportunities for learning, monitor student progress, and apply logical consequences when student behavior is inappropriate. We believe that appropriate school behavior is linked with quality instruction, academic success, high self-esteem, and parent support.
Phone, Fax and Hours
Telephone 206-252-7630
Fax 206-252-7631
Wing Luke School Hours
Student Hours: 7:55 a.m. – 2:25 p.m.
Staff Hours: 7:25 a.m. – 2:55 p.m.
Office Hours: 7:25 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
***Except Every Wednesday 7:55 am-1:10pm***
Breakfast 7:40 am
1st bell 7:53
Begin/Tardy Bell 7:55
2023 – 2024 Lunch & Recess Schedule
(grade level bands, with transition buffer)
Grade/Class | Lunch Time | Recess |
Kindergarten | 11:00 – 11:20 | 11:20 – 11:30 |
1st Grade | 11:00 – 11:20 | 11:20 – 11:30 |
2nd Grade | 11:25 – 11:45 | 11:15 – 11:25 (5 min overlap with K) |
3rd & 3rd | 11:25 – 11:45 | 11:15 – 11:25 |
4th / 5th | 11:50 – 12:10 | 11:40 – 11:50 |
4th / 5th | 11:50 – 12:10 | 11:40 – 11:50 |
Dismissal: 2:25
School activities such as P.E., Music, Art, Library will occur throughout the school day.
Parent Responsibilities
- Teach children respect and responsibility – including good attendance and time lines for each day
- Be consistent
- Make reasonable demand and follow through
- Give praise for work well done
- Communicate with the school and be involved as much as possible
Student Responsibilities
- Be considerate and respectful of others
- Always give your best effort
- Bring pride and respect to your family
- Follow the directions of adults
- Help enforce school rules
- Be on time
Outside the Classroom Behavior
- When moving through the halls either alone, in a small group, or with the class, do so in a quiet and orderly manner. Always walk in the halls on the right-hand side, always with a pass.
- Teachers supervise their class as they go out to and return from specialists’ classes and recesses.
Student Behavior:
It is the goal of Wing Luke Elementary School to help students develop appropriate self-directed behavior. It is the responsibility of the adults to teach specific skills/strategies, model appropriate behavior, provide opportunities for self-directedness, monitor student progress, and apply logical consequences when student behavior is inappropriate. Our students we believe will achieve and will have appropriate school behavior when there is a gentle balance between appropriate instruction, academic success, self-competence and parental involvement.
General School Rules:
Today I will…
- Show respect
- Make good decisions
- Solve problems
School rules and procedures covering all aspects of school operation and student expectations should be explained and reviewed on a regular basis, especially after breaks. These rules always are developed around three main themes—Appropriate Learning Environment, Safety & Respect for all.
Classroom Discipline Flow:
Teachers will set classroom expectations and consequences. These need to be shared with parents;
Classroom Plan
- Consequences
- Parent contact/documentation
- Buddy Classroom
- Referral to office
Reasons for an Office Referral
- Time out needed
- Classroom plan has not succeeded
- Major incident
Office Action w/Referral
(copies kept in a binder in the office and w/the homeroom teacher)
- 1st referral – up to office & service project and/or loss of privileges
- 2nd referral – parent contact & service project and/or losses of privileges
- 3rd referral – official suspension/parent meeting (depending on District Behavior Matrix)
If a student needs to be referred to the office they must have a note explaining why they are being referred to the office, with a Discipline Referral form to follow as soon as absolutely possible, and the following sequence will be set in motion.
- The first time a student is referred to the office; a WL Discipline Referral form is completed by the referring adult, and will be mailed home. In addition, the student is assigned a service project and/or losses of privileges. The privilege lost could include recess, field trips, etc. A phone call home is needed if a referral is written.
- he second time a student is referred to the office a second form needs to be filled out by the referring adult, a copy of the form will be mailed home as well as a phone call home from the teacher, (or principal in some cases) is necessary. The student is assigned an additional service project and/or loss of privileges increased. (The noticeable difference between a 1st & 2nd offence is the immediate contact with home, immediate meaning that day.)
- Should a student receive a third referral to the office, the student will not be allowed to participate in recess and/or other privileges until a series of social skills activities have been completed with the counselor or principal, and there is a meeting with the classroom teacher, parents, intervention specialist and the principal.
In – Building Suspension
In building suspension is a disciplinary action of removing a student from their scheduled classes and placing them in an isolated, closely supervised area. Students will be provided the opportunity to do work assigned by their teacher. Parents will be notified of the suspension.
Out – of School Suspension
Out of school suspension denies the student the right to attend school for a period of from one to seven days. During the time of suspension, the student is not to be on or near the school grounds, or participating in school related activities.
Expulsion is the process whereby the school board may deny a student the right to attend school for the remainder of the semester.
Bus Write Ups:
- 1st Write up: Warning, review of rules and possible loss of privileges
- 2nd Write up: Loss of privileges
- 3rd Write up: One-day suspension from riding the school bus to and from school & phone call home from principal
- 4th Write up: Three-day suspension from riding the school bus to and from school & phone call home from principal
- 5th Write up: permanent suspension from riding the school bus to and from school & parent/guardian conference with principal
Any incident of a nature that seriously threatens the safety or effective supervision of students may result in skipping any number of the above steps.
No Toys from Home:
Students are not to bring playthings to school except when requested by their teacher. These items will be brought to school in a bag or backpack and kept there until time to share with the teacher/class, then put away. Any valuable items should be left in the teacher’s care for safe keeping and returned home the same day. Students should not bring any items that are not related to their academics/education, including but not limited to; playing/trading cards, radios, tape/CD/MP3 players, cell phones, pagers, balls, or video games to school. If you see a student with an item you believe they should not have at school, please confiscate it.
- First offense, teacher keeps the item(s) for the day with a warning not to bring anything like it to school again.
- Second offense, item(s) brought to the office and logged in. A parent/guardian must call or send a note to ask for the item to be returned to the student, the item(s) will be returned at the end of the day with another warning.
- Third offense, item(s) are given to principal and the student plus a parent/guardian must come and retrieve it from her or she keeps the item until the end of the school year. It is the student and/or their family to remember to get it back.
Classroom Expectations:
All students are expected to:
- Follow directions
- Be in class on time.
- Bring all appropriate materials to class.
- Complete assignments on time.
- Stay in the classroom unless given permission to leave.
- Raise their hands before speaking.
- Keep hands, feet and objects to themselves.
Homework Policy:
Homework is a constructive tool in the learning process when geared to the needs and abilities of students. Homework is a worthwhile use of time outside school hours to practice, maintain, complete make up, or enrich classroom activities. It is meant to develop independent study habits and appreciation for the value of learning.
The following guidelines will be utilized for assigning homework:
- Homework will emphasize practice in basic skills previously taught by the teacher, make up work following absences from school and enrichment that extends classroom learning and student interests.
- The teacher will plan homework so those students may work successfully at home, with a minimum of direct parental assistance, unless prior agreement with the parent has been reached.
- Homework will be assigned according to the grade level, maturity level, individual needs and interests of the students.
- Homework will NOT be used as a disciplinary measure.
Communication with Families:
- Good public relations is one of the keys to the success of our students. Teachers can do their part by keeping families well informed regarding the progress of their children in school.
- As a Flight School it is expected that teachers will have made contact with your students and their families before the first day of school. More information regarding home visits will be available during the from the principal.
- Reporting to families is done by means of letters, notes, emails, phone calls and conferences. Translations of all materials are made available through the ELL teacher, Bilingual Instructional Staff, the Bilingual Family Center and the District office.
- Parent-teacher conferences are held near the end of the first trimester for all families and their students.
Student Attendance:
- Teachers should discuss with students the importance of regular school attendance. School attendance records are vitally important so please be sure to keep an accurate account of student attendance.
- Attendance will be recorded and monitored by the office. However, if you have a student with irregular attendance, please bring this concern to the office and/or principal right away.
- Students who are tardy must check in at the office and receive an admission slip before they report to class. Do not admit tardy students without a tardy slip or a note from the office.
At-Risk Students (this is a “loaded” term, be careful):
- Students who are having difficulty doing grade level work should be identified at the first Parent Conference, near or at the end of the first reporting period.
- An intervention plan should be made with the help of the parent(s)/guardian(s). A copy of the plan needs to go home with the parents and the teacher needs to keep a copy.
- If improvement is not seen before the middle of January the student should be referred to The Student Intervention Team (SIT). Everything possible needs to be done and documented to help the child reach grade level.
- If the child is still not meeting standards by late winter/early spring, another Parent/Teacher Conference needs to be scheduled. Another Intervention plan needs to be made with copies available at that conference for the parents. At this time copies of both Intervention Plans need to be placed in the students file in the office so there is a paper trail if retention is to occur.
- By the beginning of May the teacher needs to discuss the possibility of retention with the principal. The principal makes the final decision.
Dismissal Procedures:
Teachers should impress upon students that the bells signify the end of a period of time, not dismissal.
- Students may not decide to walk on some days, wait for a ride and/or ride the bus on other days. This needs to be communicated by a parent/guardian with a note or phone call. Students may not call home at the end of the day to ask if they can change the usual routine. Their end of the day procedure needs to be worked out before the end of the day bell rings.
- Students wait in the class for the buses to be called by the office over the intercom and they exit from the door in the classroom, they are not to wonder the building or grounds.
- Students are to WALK from the building to the buses lined up on 37th Ave S. and board calmly.
- Students waiting to be picked up should either wait in the class or in the front of the school, near the flagpole, depending on their ride’s preference, not the student’s. If students are not picked up on time, please deliver them, with a book to read or something to work on, to E Pod. Ms. Muth will provide a rotating supervisory schedule to support staff attending the Wednesday staff meetings on time.
- Adults should wait for their children in the front of the building or the main office, not at the classroom door inside or outside. Please help by directing anyone picking up a student to the office.
- All walkers and students being picked up in the front of the schools will exit the building through their pod doors. Please keep the traffic through the office/main doors to a minimum. They should immediately leave the school grounds and go home.
Bike Riders:
- Students may ride their bikes to school, although parents are better prepared than school personnel to decide whether a child is skilled enough to ride his/her bike to school. Wing Luke Elementary and Seattle Public Schools will not be responsible for bicycles brought to school.
- Students MUST wear helmets. Upon arriving at school the bike should be walked on the school grounds. Bikes are to be stored and locked to the fence in front of the building or the bike rack near the loading dock doors.
Cafeteria Behavior:
Students should:
- Walk quietly when entering the cafeteria
- Wait politely in the food line
- Remain seated and not bothering others while eating
- Always clean up after themselves
- Not bring ANY food outside
- Served every morning at 7:40
- There will be at least one adult to supervise
- Students should finish their breakfast by the time the first bell rings at 7:50am.
- Breakfast containers should be disposed of in the large plastic trashcans near the tables.
- Lunch will be served beginning the first day of school.
- Classroom teachers will walk their class to the cafeteria.
- There will be at least one adult to supervise the lunchroom during lunch.
- Application forms for free and reduced priced meals will be sent home the first day of school, as well as are available in the office and online anytime.
- If a student was on the free or reduced meals plan for the previous school year, they will automatically receive free or reduced meals for the first 10 days of this school year. New forms must be completed and submitted for approval each year.
- Safety and Sportsmanship are the top priorities of recess!
Duty Teachers Should:
- If you have duty, please be at your station 1 to 2 minutes early (find alternate supervision or take your class out with you if you have to).
- Be pro-active. Walk around and interact with students.
- Model appropriate student behavior: follow the rules that are expected of students, e.g. do not sit on railings, climb on fences, etc.
- Keep on-duty supply kit on hand: gauze, band-aids, gloves, bathroom pass.
- Teach safety, listen for respectful interactions between kids and praise them as appropriate.
- Recess duties are to issue consequences, e.g. sitting out of recess activities, as appropriate.
Duty Locations
- Intermediate Playground: One supervisor needs to be in the playscape/big toy area, and one each at the east and west sides of the blacktop. (Please let the office know right away if you do not see a supervisor in one of those locations.)
- Primary Playground: One supervisor needs to be on either side of the playscape, one near the classrooms and one by the trees. (Please let the office know right away if you do not see a supervisor in one of those locations.)
- An additional duty should float between the staircases to the east and west of the courtyard.
When Recess Ends
- Teachers should meet their class promptly.
- When the bell rings, students should line up immediately and walk directly to where they meet their teacher promptly.
- Playground Rules and Expectations:
Please make sure to discuss these playground expectations with your students, especially when we come back from breaks, year round.
Upper Blacktop Area
- No running downhill on cement
Game Rules
General Problem Solving for All Kids
Do you have a small Problem? If yes, Try to of these choice’s
- Go to another game
- Talk it out
- Share and Take Turns
- Ignore it
- Walk Away
- Tell Them to Stop
- Apologize
- Make a Deal (example: Rock, Paper, Scissors)
- Wait and Cool Off
If it’s a big problem, ask an adult to help
- Go to the designated kickball area on the playground.
- Create fair teams.
- The team that is kicking chooses someone from their own team to pitch.
- Ten kickers kick and then the teams switch offense and defense (kicking to fielding).(If there are 18 kids playing, you might switch after 9 kickers, etc.)
- Follow “baseball rules” EXCEPT:
- Kick until the ball is in play (no striking out, foul balls get redone)
- No leading off
- You can run only when the ball is kicked
- The ball has to cross home plate before the kicker kicks it
- Someone is out IF:
- The ball they kicked is caught in the air
- They are tagged with the ball while it is held by another player
- The ball beats them to the base (The player must also be tagged with the ball held by another player at second, third, and home plate if it was the runner’s choice to run.)
- Force rule:
- I don’t have to tag you, I can tag the base.
- You have to run to the next base when ball is kicked on the ground to make room for the runner behind you.
- You can run past first base and return, but on second and third you need to stay touching the base or you can be tagged.
Tether Ball
- Hit the ball with one hand
- You are out if:
- You step on or cross the line
- The ball hits the pole after the other player hits the ball
- You hit the rope instead of the ball
- The second person in line is the judge
- If a judge is not being fair-minded (if they are picking on the same person, or judging some people differently than others) then they will be asked to play a different game
- Create fair teams
- Players call their own fouls
- If there is a disagreement, take a foul shot to solve disagreement.
- We all try to make baskets not knock others balls out of the basket
- Aim for fair play
- No fouling
- No double dribbling or traveling
- Include all players in the game
- This is not the NBA
- Play in the designated area
- One person kicks the ball into the air
- The person that catches the ball in the air becomes the kicker
- Allow anyone who wishes to play
- Do not “aim” for a person as you are kicking
- Play safely
- Do not jump on each other’s backs to catch the ball
- Watch out for others as you kick
Four Square
- The server (standing in square four) bounces the ball once, then hits it into another square using an open-palm, underhand shot.
- The receiver lets the ball bounce once, then hits it into another square, and so on.
- Play stops when a player fouls:
- Hits the ball before it bounces
- Lets the ball bounce more than once
- Hits the ball out of bounds or on a line
- Uses an overhand throw or fist
- Play in the designated area (half of the play field closest to the blacktop)
- Create fair teams
- Players call their own fouls
- Aim for fair play
- No pushing or tripping
- Include all players in the game
- The player who fouled joins the end of the line of waiting players. li>
- The first person in line moves to square one, the remaining players advance one square.
- The second person in line is the line judge.
Emergency Procedures
Fire, earthquake and evacuation drills are held for all children on a regular monthly basis. In the event of emergency parents are requested NOT to phone the school or attempt to enter the school. Parents will be notified of any accidents to children as soon as emergency needs are met. Parents should go to the playground to meet their children if a fire or earthquake actually occurs.
There are three types of drills:
- Fire
- Earthquake
- Intruder Alert
General Procedures
Procedures for each of these drills will vary greatly. During an earthquake it will not be possible for the office to ring an alarm bell. This means that a “drill” should consist largely of a discussion between the teacher and students as to the procedure to be followed in the classroom. Procedures should be explained and procedures performed. The procedures for each drill follow.
- If you are in the building when an earthquake takes place the adult should say “earthquake” in a loud voice.
- Everyone should take cover under a desk or table. Be sure to hold the leg of the desk so it will not move away from you. It is also a good idea to train kids to put their heads between their knees. If no large furniture is available take cover in a doorway. Always try to face away from windows to avoid shattered glass.
- Usually you do not try to evacuate the building until the earthquake is over.
- If you are outside when an earthquake occurs move away from the building, trees, and power lines.
- Students should line up on the north playground on their room numbers.
- Practice the drill following the monthly scheduled fire drills. When the kids reenter the classroom.
Emergency Procedures
The bell will ring five times (if the office rings it) or one long bell by emergency system to indicate an emergency and please listen carefully as instructions will probably follow. EVERYONE ALWAYS exits the building at the closest exit and reports to the back (blacktop area) of the building when you hear the above mentioned bell signals.
If your students are out of the classroom at the time please wait at your assigned spot for students to be delivered to you. Students in Dance, PE, Library, with Specialists, and etc will be delivered to you at your assigned spot on the blacktop.
During an emergency, follow this procedure:
- Always take your emergency red bag!
- Line-up students in a calm and orderly way; teacher should be last and turns light off and shuts the door (if there is one).
- Train your line leader ahead of time so s/he will know where to lead the line to on the blacktop. (Do not wait! Practice this procedure right away.)
- Exit the building at the nearest exit (map will be provided, one should be in the backpack, one should be in your sub plans, and one taped to the door). p>
- Once outside, immediately determine if you have all the students you are responsible for, including students returned to you from specialists, Dance, PE, the office, library, and etc., with you and line up at your assigned spot.
- Hold up the “green card” if all students are accounted for
- Hold up the “red card” if you are missing a student or there is an urgent problem (like an injury or something like that)
- DO NOT release students or move students until/unless directed.
Tutors and all itinerate staff, OT/PT, Speech/Language, classroom support, FSW, psychologist, and etc. please be available where you think you can best help. Go to any teacher who is holding up a “red card,” communicate with Mr. Louie about the identified problem, and help troubleshoot or solve the issue.
Red Cross Emergency backpack contents include:
- Emergency Supplies
- Current class list (an all school list if you serve different classrooms during the day) & Laminated “green/red” card
- Alert/Emergency procedures with a school map with assigned spot indicated
Again, there should be a copy of this procedure in every emergency bag, laminated, and in ALL plans left for substitutes.
Green: All Clear
Blue: Reverse evacuation if children are outside
- Lock doors
- Outside recess (w/extra supervision) to be determined by Principal
- Escorted movement between pods/buildings (including lunch)
- Bathroom w/partner only
- Keep teaching/ All clear by office staff
Yellow: Reverse evacuation if children are outside
- Lock doors & pull shades
- No recess
- Escorted movement between pods/buildings (including lunch)
- Bathroom w/partner only
- Keep teaching
- Call Security/ Close security door between library & office by office staff
Orange: Reverse evacuation if children are outside
- Lock doors & pull shades
- No recess
- Keep teaching
- Call Security by office staff
- Close security door between library & office by office staff
- No movement between pods/buildings
- Lunch in pods (delivered by assigned adults)
- Bathroom w/adult supervision only
Red: Reverse evacuation if children are outside
- Lock doors & pull shades
- Call Security by office staff
- Close security door between library & office (office will do this)
- Code call, “Lockdown, lockdown, lockdown, this is not a drill!” by Office staff “intercom”
- Lockdown & Hide: intruder in building
- No lights & No noise
- No Bathroom, No Lunch, No movement, No recess
Snow Procedures
In the event that snow occurs during non-school hours, the Transportation Office will survey the road conditions, monitor projected weather patterns and provide an operational recommendation to the Superintendent by 5:00 AM. The decision is immediately communicated to the major radio and TV stations through a computer network. Once radio and TV stations receive the information, there is typically a 30-minute delay in broadcasting the information. Transportation will also send an automated message via School Messenger if there is anything to communicate regarding inclement weather transportation to families. p>
If schools are to stay open and buses are to operate on regular routes, there will be No Announcement. If, however, an announcement is necessary, it will be only one of the three, which are listed below. Note: All school and program staff will be expected to report at the regular time for the first two situations.
- School open on time – Buses operating on time and on emergency bus routes. No Head start or half day (AM or PM) Kindergarten classes.) No door to door service.
- School open 2 hours late – Buses operating two hours late on emergency bus routes. No Head Start or half day (AM or PM) Kindergarten classes. No door to door service.
- Schools Closed: School staff does not report
Buses, Fieldtrips and Assemblies
Bus Behavior and Rules
- The driver is in full charge of the bus and passengers and must be obeyed. If a supervisor is assigned to the bus by the District, she/he will be responsible for the behavior of the students while the driver remains responsible for the safe operation of the bus. Students must obey both driver and supervisor.
- School authorities unless written permission to do otherwise have received students shall ride only on their assigned bus. These notes must be sent to the office at the beginning of the school day.
- Unless written permission is obtained by school authorities, no students shall be permitted to leave the bus except at his/her regular stop.
- If a student is assigned to a seat, she/he will use only that seat unless permission to change is authorized by the driver.
- Classroom conduct must be observed on buses. Noise must be down to avoid distracting drivers.
- Once inside the bus, students must go directly to a seat and remain seated at all times unless the driver instructs otherwise.
- All students riding buses are expected to:
- Walk on and off the bus without pushing or shoving.
- Follow instructions of the bus driver.
- Remain seated while the bus is moving.
- Avoid loud behavior, teasing, eating, name-calling, rough housing, and throwing objects on the bus.
- Keep head, hands, arms and feel inside open windows.
- Students who do not follow these standards could risk suspension or expulsion from transportation privileges.
Assembly Behavior
Social Skills: Students learn social skills in many settings. Assemblies provide an opportunity to teach students appropriate social skills as an audience member. Students should be taught these skills before entering their first assembly. It is important that they know the expectations before attending the assembly.
Before the assembly teach your students that:
- We walk quietly in hallways in single file
- We enter the cafeteria quietly
- We listen for directions
- We sit with legs crossed in pre-assigned areas
During the assembly
- Everyone will be welcomed to the assembly
- The appointed students will lead the flag salute
- The audience listens attentively to the presentation
- The audience applauds to show appreciation
- When the assembly is over, each class will stand when their teacher’s name is called.
- Students follow the teacher out of the cafeteria in a line back to the classroom.
After the assembly discuss with your class:
- How would you rate your behavior?
- What could be done next time so that everyone can enjoy the assembly?
- What did you think of the presentation?
- Do you have any ideas how our assemblies could be improved?
- Write a thank you note to the presenter
Field Trips
The definition of a field trip is any class activity outside of school that is designed to supplement the curriculum, achieving a specific goal of educational value.
- The teacher or school team decide on a field trip that fits with the class curriculum.
- The teacher researches the field trip including location, cost, and dates available.
- The teacher fills out the field trip request form and turns it in to the principal and the sack lunch order forms (orders should be at least 1week in advance) if necessary. The teacher is responsible for securing volunteer chaperones, collecting permission/medical release forms and any fees. Also, it is the staff member’s responsibility to find coverage for any duty that will be missed due to attending a field trip PRIOR to the field trip date. p>
- Typically we ask for at least $2 per student to cover the cost of an average field trip bus cost. p>
- Parents transporting students for field trips must have a safe car with necessary seat belts, be finger printed and show proof of license and car insurance to the secretary for a copy. Children may not ride in the front seat.
Safety Patrol
- Students 10 years or older may ask to be on patrol
- Safety patrol will be outside at the property corner (NE) after school.
- No student will be appointed to serve as a Patrol Officer without the consent of his/her parent or guardian.
- Students will perform the duties of Safety Patrol, leading by example and helping to make Wing Luke School a model of safety.
- Safety Patrols will be responsible in leading assemblies with the Pledge of allegiance.
- Safety patrols will be required to go through a one hour training session.
Room Parties
Please restrict the time allotted to approximately the last 30-45 minutes of the day.
Some rooms may choose special celebrations and are permitted at the teacher’s discretion. Check with the principal if there are any questions.
For Staff
Attendance is required but not limited to the following meetings:
- Wednesday staff meetings
- Committee meetings (based on the committee you are signed up with)
- Professional Development (both building and district)
- Please come ready to focus on the topic at hand, no extracurricular activities, such as grading papers, artwork, crafts, and etc. It is a professional norm to give the speaker and group your undivided attention.
- Notify your principal/designee and his/her administrative secretary immediately, anytime SPS security, the police or fire department needs to be called, or a serious incident or facility issue threatens student and/or staff safety.
Absence From Building:
- Call or use web based Aesop as soon as you know you are not able to come to work.
- Make sure you have sub plans somewhere easy to find in your classroom, including an attendance sheet, schedules (who goes where for reading, math and etc.), any duties you are responsible for, a copy of the “Emergency Procedures”, end of the day procedures, bus list (who takes what bus), a list of walkers/pick up, and anything else pertinent to your class.
Phone Calls, E-Mail, Paperwork:
- Return phone calls to parents/families or district personnel within 48 hours.
- Activate and set up voice mail.
- Check e-mail and voice mail daily in the morning and afternoon.
- Turn cell phones off during class and meetings. Do not talk on your cell phone during recess duty.
- Submit reports, evaluation, and other time sensitive materials according to required dates, requests, and timelines.
Staff/Student/Family Issues:
- In accordance with our Professional Norms, if you are having issues with a fellow staff member please address them directly first, if problem persists or is not resolved, then ask building principal for mediation.
- Student issues; students should always have a note or referral when sent to the office. Please keep some kinds of documentation regarding communication with families, i.e. a notebook with dates and summaries of conversations or attempted contact with families.
Crime Watch/Preventative Measures:
- Leave valuables at home or secure them in the trunk of your car or locked in your room.
- Be aware of persons loitering or paying undue attention to you, your students and/or your property.
- Report all suspicious activities to the principal, and any other necessary staff.
- We require all visitors to sign in at the front office, please direct all visitors to the office.
Staff Responsibilities
- Set high expectations and standards
- Provide motivation and appropriate instruction
- Praise appropriate behavior and effort
- Help children feel good about themselves
- Love each child and respect individuality
Teachers’ Work Day
The teachers’ workday will be from 7:25 am to 2:25 pm. Teachers may use their morning time to prepare for the day. At 7:50 am children report to their classrooms, teachers are responsible for monitoring all students in their classrooms and asking children to come inside the classrooms.
Each teacher will keep a well-organized plan book so that quality instruction will occur. It will make teaching more effective and better ensure student achievement. A guest teacher should be able to read and implement the plans easily. Effective teaching is a result of effective planning. Therefore, it is vital that plan books are kept up to date at all times. The principal, during drop-in visits, may check lesson plan books. Teachers should leave plan books and guest teacher folders in plain view at the end of each day in case of an unexpected absence. Please notify the principal or designee if you must leave the building during working hours.